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PC Magazine, December 21, 1993
"The Paperless Book""On-line services are becoming a valuable resource for publishers, too. Penguin recently published a Stephen King short story in electronic format on the Internet before it appeared in print... available from the Online BookStore."
The New York Times, December 20, 1993
"Computer Services Seen as a Sales for Books""...first serial rights to Stephen King's Nightmares and Dreamscapes were sold not to a magazine-- the traditional route-- but to a company called the Online BookStore...
"Julie Hansen, director of electronic publishing for Penguin U.S.A, Viking's parent, said the deal was a way to reach new audiences.
"For an author as huge as Stephen King," Ms. Hansen said, "that's a really big challenge."
Intelligence, December 1993
"Business Focus at Internet World Meeting""...the most extraordinary and prescient presentation at IW was a talk given by Laura Fillmore entitled 'Internet Publishing: How We Must Think.' Fillmore...President of both Editorial Inc. and the Online BookStore, outlined nothing less than the future of publishing for the electronic age...
"Fillmore concluded her very special talk this way: 'As the publishing process itself approaches the speed of thought, we are presented with the delicious opportunity to focus more intently than ever before on the ideas themselves and their immediate dissemination to an interested audience.'"
Publishers Weekly, November 22, 1993
"Like a Book on a Wire""Such experimentation with Online publishing has only just begun among trade book publishers...
"...some technologists are now suggesting that the CD-ROM may only be an interim step to something bigger. They foresee a largely paperless and diskless future, when the much heralded information superhighway will be the chief pathway for books as well as video, phone traffic, music and computer data...
"But Fillmore says that timeliness and cost reductions are not the main reason publishers should be interested in the online medium. The principal advantages, she says, have to do with the things you cannot do in print, or even on CD-ROM...
"Many publishers simply want to know the bottom line: Is online publishing good or bad for the industry? Many publishers will rue the day when people stop going to bookstores and instead just browse the network from the confines of their homes. But others say that online publishing will expand the industry, without replacing paper publishing...
"But one thing is for sure: Book publishers need to be involved, if only to assure that the information super highway is not just a vast video-on-demand shopping mall. As all forms of other media are zooming along the superhighway, according to Fillmore, publishers are responsible for keeping alive the works upon which the past five centuries of Western civilization have been built. 'Publishers, as major content holders, need to get on the bus,' she warns. 'The capability of not using words is right around the corner. If we as a culture don't preserve our words, then there goes our abstract thought.'"
U.S. News and World Report, October 4, 1993
"Eye on the '90s: Nightmare network""Stephen King's new collection of stories won't be released until mid-October, but hackers can get an electronic preview. Last week, the Online BookStore 'published' a King story on the Internet, a global computer network with 15 million users."
Publishers Weekly, October, 1993
"New On Internet: Stephen King, Publisher Catalogues"Julie Hansen, director of electronic publishing for Penguin USA, said it was the first time a commercial book publisher has 'published' an electronic first serial.
"The story, 'Umney's Last Case" will appear through the Online BookStore..."
The Wall Street Journal, September 17, 1993
"King Work to be Offered Only on Internet Network""Stephen King's latest work will be published Sunday - but not on paper...
"The King story...will be offered over the Internet through the Online BookStore..."
San Francisco Chronicle -- Business Extra, June 1, 1993
"The Information Superhighway Goes Commercial""More than 15,000 people worldwide used their computers to download a free on-line sample of a book about Internet."
Internet Society NEWS, Summer, 1993
"Internet Debut into the World of Publishing""For the first time in the history of the American Booksellers Association (ABA) annual convention, the largest publishing show in the U.S., a live Internet link provided by UUNET Technologies right from the show floor hooked the publishing community to the world's largest network of networks."
Computer Shopper, May 1993
"Online: Hot off the Wire""The Internet will never be mistaken for the Home Shopping Network, but the Online BookStore is part of a growing commercial presence on the network...
"Unlike other services that provide full-text downloads of books in the public domain, the Online BookStore is focusing on current titles and compensates the books' authors...
"The idea of downloading art books...with GIF files or other graphic formats showing reproductions from the original book is an exciting twist on the usual phenomenon of text online."
IDP Report, February 19, 1993
"Online Books Available over Internet""Fillmore believes that Internet will provide [the Online BookStore] with the greatest possible exposure. Traffic on Internet is increasing at rates of about 15% per month..."
BP Report, February 15, 1993
"Book Packager Launches 'Online BookStore'""Fillmore believes that [the Online BookStore] will promote bound books by exposing their content to online users, who will then go into the bookstore to buy the title...
"'EI's intention is to spur book sales,' Fillmore said, adding that worldwide exposure via Internet has 'remarkable effects on the printed copy.' She said that Internet Companion publisher Addison-Wesley found that sales increased after its availability online. The book, first published in November, is in its fourth printing."
Publishers Weekly, February 1, 1993
"OnLine BookStore to Deliver Full Text Books""The future has arrived for electronic delivery of books. Editorial Inc. of Rockport, Mass., and Software Tool & Die, in Brookline, Mass., have joined forces to set up the Online BookStore on Internet, the first service to deliver full text and graphic files of books from Internet to ordinary desktop PC users."
The Wall Street Journal, January 11, 1993
"Marketplace--Technology: Visiting a BookStore by switching on a PC""Coming soon to a PC nearby: a bookstore without shelves, selling books without paper. At the Online BookStore, PC users will be able to browse through books on their PC's...
"This isn't the first on-line service to make books available electronically...But Online says it will be the first to offer current titles in a way that compensates authors and publishers.
"'This has the potential to change the way we all do business,' says Keith Wollman, a senior editor at Addison-Wesley."
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