The Censor Bats below are hanging out, having feasted on the recently arrived authorized script selections. They're still hungry! If you are censoring the screenplay, take a look at the sample below and feel free to use these Censor Bats to take the place of any Sex, Violence, or Vulgarity you delete on your own movie Home Page. You can purge the text of words, ideas, whole scenes, or even people. Censor Bats work well alone, or in groups! Be a good censor: If you add words, do so as sparingly as possible and only to repair your excisions, indicating all of your additions with either bold italics type, or square brackets [ ] .Thirst! Thirst!
SEE NO SEX: TASTE NO VIOLENCE: HEAR NO VULGARITY: Or any combination of the three...
FROM DUSK TILL DAWN: The Sanitized Version
Based on the:
Screenplay by
Quentin Tarantino
Story by
Robert Kurtzman"I earnestly wish an end would come to this bloody race I am forced to run."
-Countess in Jess Franco's
"La Comtesse Noire"
A convenience store in a Texas Suburb. No other businesses surround it.
...Then all this Abilene [stuff]happened. You heard about that bank robbery in Abilene, didn't ya?
That's all that's been on the box all day.
MCGRAWAnd they took a lady bank teller as a hostage.
They'll probably make a run for the border, which would bring 'em this way. And if we get our hands on those [men], we're talking payback time. We'll get 'em all right.